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Beeston Trip

Date: 15th Jul 2016 @ 8:47am

On Tuesday morning we went to Beeston. We had lots of fun.

First, we went to see the castle. We had to walk up a big hill, it was very tiring! When we got to the top, we could see for miles. We learnt that Richard II came to Beeston on his way to Ireland and dropped some treasure off that has never been found. People used to think it was hidden down the well. We want to go back to search for it. 

Then we had to walk back down. It was a lot easier. We marched as soldiers back in to the classroom shouting "1! 2! 1, 2, 3!" We then had to smell some herbs and spices. Some of them smelled horrible! We also got to hold a real sword.

Next, we went to Snugbury's. We ate some delicious ice cream. Nom nom nom!

We got to look at the pigs, they made a funny noise. We were surprised that they were furry. We walked down the field to visit the Cowboy on a horse statue.


We had a great day!