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At Highfields Academy, we aim to deliver an enriched science curriculum, on a weekly basis that provides opportunities for stimulating, challenging and practical hands on experiences that promote a love for enquiry and wanting to explore new things. Our curriculum will encourage a positive attitude of learning based on curiosity and discovery, extending their scientific knowledge and vocabulary of the world around them so that they have a deeper scientific understanding of the world we live in. We believe that these opportunities will ensure that our children are confident, life-long learners who explore the world around them.

In the Early Years Foundation Stage, activities are planned prodominently in relation to the ‘Understanding the World’ area of the foundation stage curriculum. Children’s progress and achievements are assessed against the Early Learning Goals at the end of reception. The activities are planned in a cross curricular way through topic areas that are interesting and enjoyable.

The links below show the overview of the themes that are covered in our science curriculum each year and the skills that are developed in each year group through these themes.

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