Class 3 2024 - 2025
Mr Fowler
This half term, the children’s writing will be based around the book ‘The Fossil Girl’ by Catherine Brighton. The objective of this unit of work is to look at the ‘Fossil Girl’ Mary Anning and write a page for her journal describing the events of her finding the first Ichthyosaur.
Alongside our English lessons, we will continue to be having daily spelling lessons and stepping up the number of handwriting sessions.
This half-term, we will be continuing with multiplication but this time moving onto two digit numbers multiplied by one digit number, and division by finding remainders when dividing two digit numbers by one digit number.
Towards the end of term, the class will be looking at measuring length using mm, cm and m and finding perimeters of shapes.
For this half-term the class will be reading two books. We will first start reading ‘Ariki and the island of Wonders’ by Nicola Davies; an adventure with a strong message about endangered animals and human intervention. After that book, the class will then read ‘Owen and the soldier’ by Lisa Thompson about a statue of a soldier and how the town council want to tear it down and how one boy tries to find the courage to save it.
Monday and Tuesday
Please can children come to school in their PE kits. For this half-term, we will be working on our team building skills and improving their gymnastics skills.
Other Information
Linked to our writing book, in History, the children will be learning about life in the stone age and how it changes when it moves into the iron age.
In Science, the children will be finishing off their Light topic and then moving onto learning about Rocks.
This half-term, there is Internet Safety Day so the children will be learning ways about keeping safe both on-line and off-line.
- Will continue to be set on Friday and due in the following Wednesday
Files to Download
Class 3: News items
School News, by Mrs Hughes
School News 22nd November 2024, by Mrs Hughes