Class 3: Blog items
Welcome to blogging!, by Mr Fowler
Which Dragon Days song do you like the best and why?, by Mrs Richards
Kiddicook, by Mr Fowler
Inflatable Football Pitch, by Mr Fowler
Football World Cup 2018, by Mr Fowler
Gangsta Granny, by Mr Fowler
Year 3/4 Football Competition, by Mr Fowler
Sandwich Making, by Miss Evans
Like it or hate it?, by Mr Fowler
Zany Zoo, by Mr Fowler
Swimming Lessons, by Mr Fowler
Watching Year 5&6 Play, by Mr Fowler
Artist Watercolour Workshop, by Mr Fowler
Sports Day, by Mr Fowler
Year 3 visit to Year 4, by Mr Fowler
Roman Trip, by Mr Fowler
Town Sports, by Mr Fowler
Olympic Day, by Mr Fowler
Den Day, by Mr Fowler
England vs Wales, by Mr Fowler
Queen's Birthday Street Party, by Mr Fowler
Science Boffins, by Mr Fowler
Making Volcanoes, by Mr Fowler
Chinese New Year Maths morning Year 3 , by Mrs Bradley