Class 1 2024 - 2025
Miss Addis
Year 1 ( Spring 1)
Welcome back to Spring 1! We hope you have had a fabulous Christmas holidays and we can’t wait to hear about all the fun things you’ve been up to.
Thank you for the generous gift vouchers, chocolates and many more treats. They were greatly enjoyed over the Christmas period. Your generosity was very much appreciated.
We have lots of exciting things planned and can’t wait to work with you all again this half term.
This half term our History unit is ‘Kings and Queens’. We will be learning about the key monarchs of our past and present.
In Literacy, we will focus on the book ‘The Lion Inside’ by Rachel Bright and Jim Field. This book will form part of a new Literacy scheme of work which we will be following.
In Maths, we will be learning about 2D and 3D shapes and then moving onto place value within 20. We'll be providing lots of practical resources for the children to access to support them with this.
Our Science topic this half term is ‘Animals’. We will be naming different types of common animals, looking at their body parts and investigating similarities and differences of common animals.
PE this half term will be on a Wednesdays and Fridays. The children are to wear the correct uniform which is a red top and black shorts/tracksuit bottoms with trainers. The children can bring in a pair of black pumps to use in the hall for gymnastic type activities but these are not essential.
Homework will be given out on a Friday and is due in on the following Wednesday.
Some children will be having extra catch up sessions in Phonics and Spelling. These sessions will be fun but with a clear focus and are intended to help by giving confidence to write and spell through games and a variety of spoken and written activities.
For this half term, Miss Addis’ PPA time will be on Tuesday afternoon. During this time Mrs Walker will be teaching Year 1.
It is very important that the children continue to read regularly at home, as this builds up their fluency and will continue to build on their comprehension skills. Please remember to record any reading completed at home in your child/children’s reading diary. To develop your child/children’s thirst for books, reading to your child and discussing stories develops their range of vocabulary and their love for books.
I hope this is helpful. If you have any questions or queries, please do not hesitate to ask. My door is always open.
Kind Regards,
Miss Addis
Key Dates:
Friday 16th February: End of term
Monday 24th February: Inset Day
Tuesday 25th February: Start of Spring 2
Files to Download
Class 1: News items
School News - 31st January 2025, by Mrs Hughes
School News 17th January 2025, by Mrs Hughes
School News 22nd November 2024, by Mrs Hughes