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Our First Week in Year 1

Date: 16th Sep 2016 @ 4:19pm

This week we have completed our first full week as Year 1's. Its been hard work but we've enjoyed it.

In Maths we have been looking at our numbers and making sure we can order them correctly. The past few days we have been looking at how the words for numbers are written and today we went on a number hunt to see if we could find them. 

In Literacy, we have been looking at our book "Into the Forest". We looked at the characters and noticed that they came from other fairy tales, such as Jack and the Beanstalk, Goldilocks and the Three Bears and Hansel and Gretal. We retold the story through drama, taking on the roles of the different characters. It was fun to be someone else!

On Monday, we went on a Mini-Beast hunt in Science. We found all sorts of creepy crawlies and looked at their habitats.

On Friday, we really enjoyed going to see our buddies again and getting the chance to read with them for the first time. We can't wait to do this every week!

It has been a very busy week and we worked really hard. I wonder what we will do next week?



Year 1.