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Local Academy Board (Governors)

The Local Academy Board of Highfields Academy is made up of up to 12 members, which consist of parents, staff and co-opted governors.
As a team we are collectively responsible for determining, monitoring and keeping under review the broad policies, plans and procedures within which the school operates.

LAB members are invited to attend all meetings of which there are two per term. 

Parent Governors are appointed to the Local Academy Board by parents, Co-opted members are appointed by the Board, and Staff Members are appointed by staff. 

There are two meetings per term, one focusing on the Quality of Education and a second focusing on Operational and compliance matters.  Our main objectives as an advisory board are to support and challenge initiatives in school, to be accountable for the schools operation and to support the Trust Board in providing the strategic overview for the school.

If you wish to contact me, then please feel free to do so via the school, or use the following email address.
[email protected]
Sarah Matthews
Chair of Local Academy Board

Our Governance Professional can be contacted via email - [email protected]

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